Brewing Techniques and Advic

How to Use Dry Yeast

Dry brewer’s yeast has come a long way since the days when little foil packets of dubious provenance accompanied malt extract cans of unknown age.

Homebrew Disaster Relief

The only thing better than learning from your mistakes is to learn from someone else’s mistakes.

Brewing Craft Beer with Hibiscus

Say hello to the hibiscus flower. Its bold flower petals aren’t just eye-catching; they’re also edible when dried, which means summer beer brewing just got a lot more colorful.

Spice up Your Homebrew

If you’ve never brewed with spices before, here are some tips to get you started.

Dishwasher Bottling

Ask homebrewers about the number one consumer appliance on their wish lists, and you're likely to get some variation on a refrigerator or freezer (assuming professional brewhouses don’t count).

Keep a Handle on It

The humble handle is a piece of equipment you didn’t know you needed until you’ve used one.

Meet Mead

Mead. The word conjures up visions of lavish, bacchanalian feasts and roughly-hewn drinking horns.

How to Use an Auto-Siphon

"Racking" is the brewer’s term for transferring beer from one container to another.

Keep It Warm

There are certain circumstances in which you may want to raise the fermentation temperature.

5 Ways to Use Spent Grain

All-grain brewers end up with a healthy amount of spent grain after each brew day.